Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Have you hugged a homeless person today?

I moved to San Francisco from middle America over two years ago. There was a lot about the City that was new and interesting to me like the tall buildings, the taxis, and the bike messengers. But one thing that has never stopped fascinating me is the homelessness. When I first arrived here I was typically disturbed by the dirty and often desperate looking people sleeping on mats of cardboard, drinking alcohol from tiny single shot bottles, and urinating on the sidewalk. Many seem belligerent and mean when they've had a particularly rough night, but some have great a great sense of humor and seem to want your smile as much as they want your leftovers. Some will beg for change with signs, their arms tucked in their thin t-shirts as they shiver in the San Francisco mist. Some sell Street Sheets at busy intersections for dollar bills. But there's one thing they all have in common; they will look you in the eye with the most sincere kind of gratitude you've ever experienced as they shake your hand. They need whatever money you can give them, but what they seem to need more is the acknowledgement of another person. They need one of the hundreds of busy people walking past their cardboard box to stop, say hello, and ask them what their name is and how they are doing, instead of hurrying past avoiding eye contact. They need respite from the dehumanizing shame of living on the margins, in vacant lots, and deserted alleys. They need to feel the warmth of a human hand in theirs. I believe that, and I feel the same need from time to time. I don't know how to help them improve their life. I doubt most of them want help aside from what ever rations they can scrape together themselves, and I understand that. But everyone deserves to be looked at like a human. 

Posted via email from Jesse's posterous

Friday, December 05, 2008

My Own Suggestion

Not to worry my family and friends, but I've received a couple of email threats this week. Someone using an anonymous encrypted email gateway called http://www.hushtools.com has been accusing one of my friends of theft, and threatening to hurt me or Celeste if I don't identify him and where he's from. Being a veteran netizen, I don't take this kind of thing seriously. I know that anyone can pretend to be anything online, and that anonymity allows the most harmless punks to play bad ass for a day. Nevertheless, threatening someone is a crime, even when the threats are most likely coming from a slighted ex-girlfriend looking for vindication. So just to make sure that there's a public record I've reposted both of these threats for your reading pleasure here; http://codery.posterous.com/i-suggest-you-read-this-jesse and here; http://codery.posterous.com/suggestion.
Whoever she is I give her points for dramatic effect. However I'm certain my friend didn't steal a car let alone $100k. Furthermore, even if it were difficult to discover his last name and hometown, what good would they be to someone who was trying to locate stolen property? Someone has watched "No Country for Old Men" a few too many times. This is the real world, not a crime drama. I'm sorry that he broke your heart, but there are plenty of fish in the sea. Move on.
It's unfortunate that this person is using the personal information that I share here on my blog and lifestream to threaten my girlfriend and I. People have warned me that someday I'll have a stalker, and in a way they were right. However, I maintain that transparency is the only policy. Tomorrow some crazy driver could mow me down on my way to work, but if I get a picture of his license plate he won't get away with it, and I have plenty of cameras on me at all times. So again, I don't expect I'll ever get the pleasure of meeting this prick in person, but if I ever do I just have this to say; get ready to be Internet famous!

Posted via email from Jesse's posterous


Date: December 5, 2008 1:47:18 AM PST
Subject: Suggestion.

Hash: SHA1

You did not feel the urge or need to take me seriously, so prepare
for the unthinkable.

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Version: Hush 3.0


Posted via email from Jesse's posterous

I suggest you read this Jesse.

Date: November 29, 2008 11:09:13 PM PST
Subject: I suggest you read this Jesse.

Hash: SHA1

Hello, Jesse.

I work for the Boscarino family, your acquaintance "*******" Aka
"*******" Aka "*******" has stolen over 100K from the family.

You are aware of this, perhaps you did not know who he stole it
from but I am going to clarify to you where you fit into this.

I know everything there is to know regarding you, your pretty
girlfriend, your mother & father and those you love dearly. I know
where you sleep at night, work during the day, I know everything
thanks to you.

Now I do not believe you stole from the family directly, so calm
down, however the car that your acquaintance stole with the money,
was located merely 3 blocks from your old apartment.

I do not know who this person is, this "*******", I can however tell
my boss that you do. I will approach you when the time is right,
and if you are not willing to produce his name I will execute you
or perhaps Celeste will not come home one day.. I warn you, to give
up the name and pretend this email never existed.

You can save yourself the trouble of forcing me to pay you a visit
by simply emailing me his full name and where he is from and we
have no problem.

I honestly look forward to you "playing dumb", I get paid
regardless, and I will enjoy showing a young buck such as yourself
who you stole from.

The name, or pain.
H.W. Auippa

P.S. Go to the cops, and people you love will vanish.
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Version: Hush 3.0


Posted via email from Jesse's posterous