Friday, December 05, 2008

I suggest you read this Jesse.

Date: November 29, 2008 11:09:13 PM PST
Subject: I suggest you read this Jesse.

Hash: SHA1

Hello, Jesse.

I work for the Boscarino family, your acquaintance "*******" Aka
"*******" Aka "*******" has stolen over 100K from the family.

You are aware of this, perhaps you did not know who he stole it
from but I am going to clarify to you where you fit into this.

I know everything there is to know regarding you, your pretty
girlfriend, your mother & father and those you love dearly. I know
where you sleep at night, work during the day, I know everything
thanks to you.

Now I do not believe you stole from the family directly, so calm
down, however the car that your acquaintance stole with the money,
was located merely 3 blocks from your old apartment.

I do not know who this person is, this "*******", I can however tell
my boss that you do. I will approach you when the time is right,
and if you are not willing to produce his name I will execute you
or perhaps Celeste will not come home one day.. I warn you, to give
up the name and pretend this email never existed.

You can save yourself the trouble of forcing me to pay you a visit
by simply emailing me his full name and where he is from and we
have no problem.

I honestly look forward to you "playing dumb", I get paid
regardless, and I will enjoy showing a young buck such as yourself
who you stole from.

The name, or pain.
H.W. Auippa

P.S. Go to the cops, and people you love will vanish.
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Posted via email from Jesse's posterous


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