Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Intuit Accuses Mint Of False Claims
Intuit, the maker of money management software, Quicken, is accusing an emerging competitor, Mint, of making false claims. Mint claims that it has gone from 3,000 new users a day to 850,000 users in a matter of months.
So Mint.com exaggerates claims about their popularity. What company doesn't, and furthermore who gives a shit. Their unique hits were not a factor in my signing up for the service, and the fact that there are 400,000 less unique visitors than they claim, doesn't impact my use one bit. I find Mint to be an incredibly useful site which I'm sure Daya Baran would agree with if he/she had actually *used* it before calling it a "fad". The fact that Intuit is splitting hairs like this inspires even less respect than I had after my many attempts at getting Quicken to sync with my several credit card and bank accounts, something that Mint does effortlessly. Sounds like sour grapes to me Intuit!
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Photo: Monkeys Can Subtract, Study Finds

A rhesus macaque presses a touch screen to select its answer to a subtraction problem in a Duke University lab. The dots in the set of three are bigger than those in the set of eight, to ensure that the monkeys are selecting for number of dots rather than the physical size of the group.
Yeah, but can they work an ATM?
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Trouble the Water | It's not about a hurricane. It's about America.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Skitch.com > jessehattabaugh > Map Of Potential High-Speed Rail Built By The Stimulus

Obama's stimulus plan involves building high speed rails. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. This is more important than healthcare, more important than education. Breaking our addiction to personal automobiles is the single most important change we needed. I've been saying it since I moved from Arkansas; Middle America will never stop driving unless there is an alternative. It's about time this country started catching up with Europe in terms of public transportation.
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis - Wikitubia - a Wikia wiki
- LIL SIS: --just for decoration man, {Bubb Rubb interrupts} it's just for decoration! We sing that song man, we do it for decoration!
- BUBB RUBB: {Interrupting Lil Sis} Yeah, yea-- {Done interrupting}
- INTERVIEWER: You have it on your car?
- LIL SIS: {Turns head and points to the other direction} Yeah, I have it on my car!
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Commonwealths - Fallout Wiki - The Vault
Prior to the Great War, the United States had an intermediate level of government between the state and federal powers. The nation was divided into thirteen commonwealths. The United States flag was changed as well. Accordingly, the new flag depicted thirteen stars - twelve in a circle and one in the middle.
Okay I like Fallout and the whole "Great War" story is fascinating, but they should have done their research better when it came to the Commonwealths. Arkansas and Texas would never unite. Oklahoma... maybe. I definitely approve of the Californian split from Socal. We definitely have more in common with Oregon *coughs* Portland, and Washington *coughs* Seattle, but Idaho and Montana would get along better.
But if they were dividing states, they might as well divide AR diagonally southwest, to northeast. SW AR has more in common with Louisiana and Mississippi than Missouri, or Oklahoma.
Posted via web from CyberBilly
An idea for TinyChat.com

I don't like how TinyChat.com posts Tweets to my account when I log in. I mean, I could just choose a nickname, but I'd rather just be allowed to disable it.
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Sunday, February 15, 2009
kenny glenn, cat abuser | fucked up beyond all recognition
/b/ is going to rip your head off you faggot.
You’re boned, man, seriously.
Popular bored Internet user site 4chan appears to be in an uproar over the identification of some douche who beat up a cat on YouTube. I'd want some proof before "taking vengance" on the poor kid like they ask me to. The Internet is starting to expect and enjoy viscous mob-punishments. I'm just wondering which will come first; live internet streamed executions, or an actual /b/lynching.
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Love on Wheels
Lovelorn lovebirds each quiz three possible dates (hidden from their view) and choose one to ride off with, on a date provided by one of our fine sponsors.Meanwhile, phone numbers, emails, and bike stats are exchanged all over Rickshaw Stop by single cyclists while those not-so-single cyclists cheer on their single friends and win sweet date-y raffle prizes from our awesome sponsors and get their photos taken in the rickshaw photobooth, all to the tunes of DJ Laron (Chillin Productions) and DJ Jamie Jams (Debaser).
How do you roll? Boy-Boy? Girl-Girl? Girl-Boy? Boy-Girl? We've got a ride for you. Come on down!
Posted via web from CyberBilly
FOXNews.com - Arkansas Nears Allowing Guns in Church - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
It is time we changed our concealed-handgun law to allow law-abiding citizens of the state of Arkansas the right to defend themselves and others should a situation happen in one of our churches
Like terrorists!
Posted via web from CyberBilly
A bittersweet goodbye: Stamford widow finds solace in final phone call from husband - Greenwich Time
"Sean," she said, looking at the television screen. "The flames are nowhere near you."
She knew flames weren't the main danger now; the smoke that was filling the office was. She could hear him having trouble breathing.
"How bad is the smoke?" she said.
"Pretty bad," he said.
"Sean, it doesn't seem to me that they are going to be able to get to you in time," Eckert told her husband. "I think we need to say goodbye."
They spent the next few minutes talking about their love for each other and the wonderful life they had shared. She said she wished she was there with him. He said to give his love to everyone.
"I heard him say, 'I love you,' then I heard a terrible explosion and a roaring sound," Eckert said. "It sounded like Niagara Falls. I knew without seeing that he was gone."
Don't forget.
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Facebook | My Photos - The Bearded Era

I feel personally responsible for Joaquin Phoenix's new scruffy look. In early 2008 I grew this, which obviously served as inspiration for his departure from acting, and decision to grow his hair out. Not everyone can pull it off Joaquin, you were better playing Johnny Cash, not Jesse Hattabaugh.
Posted via web from CyberBilly
Thursday, February 12, 2009
1234567890 Day
It's time to party like it's 1234567890 – 'cause it is! On this Friday, Feb 13 at exactly 3:31:30 PM (PST), Unix time (WTF is Unix time?) will equal '1234567890'.
But what can I do?
For those based in San Francisco, you can join us for the countdown to 1234567890:
Friday, Feb 13 at exactly 2:31 (1 hr early for some drinks)
The 21st Amendment
563 Second Street
San Francisco
On Upcoming.org http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1814440
Posted via web from CyberBilly
From: Celeste Lindahl <celeste.lindahl@gmail.com>Date: February 12, 2009 1:07:53 PM PSTTo: Jesse Hattabaugh <jesse@codery.com>Subject: PicsNeed to get used to the focus on this camera again.... First test roll could have been better, and it will be in the future :)Also, big grain, and it was mostly very dark where I took all of these. Can't wait to test it outside.
See and download the full gallery on posterous
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
DC Republican Examiner: Harvard Economist: 'Stimulus is probably the worst bill that has been put forward since the 1930s'
Obama's combination of mega-spending andwelfare paymentstax rebates to people who don't pay taxes (as opposed to cuts in the tax rate), are a double-whammy of pure Socialist folly.
Out of touch. That's what we all are. People driving Lexus' from their subdivision to their jobs as accountants, are out of touch with people riding dirty huffy bicycles from their tiny low-income housing projects to their job washing dishes. Single moms raising kids are out of touch with executives with nannies.
Cutting taxes on the rich may well drive the economy, but after nearly a decade of such "economy building" what has the average American seen? A strong economy may eventually mean opportunities for the working class, but it immediately benefits the rich. Obama's plan immediately benefits the poor, and will likely benefit us all through a better educated, fairly privileged, and satisfied work force.
Neither side understands the other, but I like to think that somewhere in the give and take struggle of democracy, a balance is struck. For a time the rich will rule and pillage the social programs of the poor. Once they've been sufficiently exploited, the proletariat is motivated to take them back.
It's likely only a matter of time before Obama's policies give birth to wasteful bureaucracies. Over regulation is bound to occur. But this is the kind of nation building we need. These are the programs that the average person wants. The average person *WANTS* free healthcare. The few who can afford their own have had their say for decades. The few who wanted a war with Iraq, had their way. The few who would rather see our planet shrivel rather than have our factories burdened with regulations had their way. Now's the time for someone else to have their say, and right or wrong, I figure they're about to have it.
Hot Air Headlines » Muslim study team surprised to find Alabamans don’t hate Muslims
“I expected people to say, ‘What is this terrorist doing here? We don’t want your kind here,’ ” said Woldt, a 22-year-old blue-eyed Catholic, recalling her anticipation before stepping into a local barbecue joint. “I thought I wouldn’t even be served.”
Instead, Woldt’s experiment in social anthropology opened her own eyes. Apart from the initial glances reserved for any outsider who might venture through a small-town restaurant’s doors, her experience was a pleasant one.
Bullitt: the greatest car chase ever (from space!) » San Francisco History Podcast - Sparkletack
Oh Em Gee! The car chase from Bullitt mapped on Google Maps! This is the first time I've seen this clip since I moved to SF, and it's totally different now that I'm able to recognize the scenery. The maps help since they actually filmed it all over town.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
amiando - Twestival SF - TwestivalSF

THE social media event of the year. Need we say more?
On Thursday, February 12th, San Francisco is joining forces with over 105 cities around the world, harnessing the power of social media and technology for an evening of wine, web and song - oh, and of course, networking to raise money and awareness for Charity: Water.
And what a fun way to meet your friends on twitter - meet the men and women behind the avatars!
We have got an amazing night in store for you and you don't want to miss it! The evening's entertainment includes:
DJs spinning dulcet tones
Performance by Deborah Crooks
Flowing beverages and hors d'oeuvres
Fabulous Door Prizes - bring your business card for free goodies!
And so much more! But we don't want to ruin the surprise!
amiando - Twestival SF - TwestivalSF
Twestival SF
hosted by TwestivalSF
Enter event location
Start: Thursday, 12/Feb/2009 06:00 PM
End: Thursday, 12/Feb/2009 11:00 PM
Magic in the Mission
SFGate - Magic in the MissionIt is too easy to make fun of the people who packed Room 400 in San Francisco's City Hall to stop American Apparel from opening a store on Valencia Street in the Mission District last week.
They are not serious people. They live in a world where facts like 27 vacant storefronts on Valencia Street and 9.3 percent unemployment statewide and nearly 600,000 jobs lost nationally last month do not matter.
I'm disappointed to hear that American Apparel was denied their plans to open a store on Valencia St. Don't get me wrong, I'm no more eager for the throngs of flatbrim-hat wearing bridge-and-tunnel mallrats to descend from the Haight. I cringe at the thought of what the neighborhood's hipsters would be able to accomplish with a ready source of day-glow hoodies, and tights. But banning them made next to no sense. One chain store would not be the beginning of the end, and even if it were to have had the effect of allowing more businesses to open on Valencia st, I simply don't see what's wrong with that. It would change the neighborhood, but I'd bet that the snobs that railed the hardest against AA were not working class latinos, and yet somehow they manage to call the Mission their neighborhood. Avoidance of change unless if behooves you is a common thing though.
Comedy Central Insider Blog » Jon Stewart Nails O'Reilly on Right to Privacy
"Next on the Factor; Cognitive Dissonance and why I don't experience it."
Monday, February 09, 2009
Need a place to stay while my daughter is in surgery - General Community in SF Bay Area, California - iList Classifieds
Aloha, I am a 43 yr old mom, and will be traveling to san francisco, for my daughters reconstruction surgery around March 9th. I don't know anyone in the area, and looking into lodging and a contact to help me get to and from California Pacific Medical Center during the duration of her stay. My 20 year old daughter, in June 2008 almost lost her life to a flesh eating bacteria after having her wisdom teeth removed, and lost her bottom lip as a result of it. Doctors in Hawaii do not have the expertise to help her, so we are seeking Doctors in California. We have been here at the end of 2008, and consulted with 3 doctors. We have chose one of them, Dr. Rudy Buntic, at the Buncke's Clinic. We have a surgery date tentatively set for March 9th and may need to stay up to 2 weeks.
Look out Arkansas. Tornadoes tomorrow.
One region to pay even closer attention to is northeast Texas, eastern Oklahoma, western Arkansas and northwestern Louisiana. This is where a tornado outbreak may occur on Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning.

YouTube - nous cherchons à unir nos forces.
Dude I want to build one of these so bad
Dynatork 3 Acetal

I found another compact piston air motor. The distributors of the Globe motors said they would give me a money back guarantee on their $800 motor, but I'd have to set up a "Purchase Order". I'm not a corporation people! Not sure how much this one costs, but good to know there are alternatives.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Shepard Fairey Arrested In Boston
BOSTON — A street artist famous for his red, white and blue Hope posters of President Obama has been arrested on warrants accusing him of tagging property with graffiti, police said Saturday.
What's wrong with Boston PD? First the ATHF Moononite terrorism scare, now they're arresting Shepard Fairey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepard_Fairey)? He's like the mother fuckin' American Banksy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banksy). Fuck Boston Shep', come to the City. SFPD are more tolerant (
ABC News: Life of Obama's Childhood Friend Takes Drastically Different Path
His relationship with Obama was like that of brothers, Kakugawa told ABC News one recent afternoon in Los Angeles. Everybody said they always saw him smiling and happy. I didn't. I got to see the turmoil, I got to see how he really felt. Here's a kid who was growing up as an adolescent in a tough situation. He felt abandoned, he felt that his father abandoned him and his mother was always pursuing her career.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
Home Page
Here's a quote from YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER, by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., perhaps the world's most respected expert on our body's need for water:
"Batmanghelidj" is that a joke?
Urban Dictionary: Cyberbilly
A person from the country that has discovered technology, and has an industrious if somewhat partial understanding of it."Bubba used t'be a hillbilly. Now he's a cyberbilly, got'im a job in Silicon Valley an' everything"
"Is that cyberbilly posting pictures of his truck on MySpace again?"
Urbandictionary lacked a word to describe me, so I invented one.
Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the history of the Fairness Doctrine, only one broadcaster permanently lost a license to operate a television station due to bias in coverage. WLBT 3 Jackson, Mississippi attained significant notoriety for its open support of racial segregation in Mississippi in the 1950s and 1960s and its opposition to civil rights.[7] The station also routinely removed portions of network news broadcasts covering civil rights issues, often under the pretext of technical difficulties, causing civil rights groups and the United Church of Christ to complain to the Federal Communications Commission.[8]
I don't like the FCC to begin with, and this whole fairness doctrine seems kinda totalitarian. However this just underscores the need for the gov't to step into ensure social justice.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
And when the day is done, and I look back
And the fact is I had fun, fumbling around
All the advice I shunned, and I ran
Where they told me not to run, but I sure had fun, so
I'm gonna fuck it up again
I'm gonna do another detour
Unpave my path
And if you wanna make sense
What you looking at me for
I'm no good at math
And when I find my way back
The fact is I just may stay, or I may not
I've acquired quite a taste for
A well-made mistake I wanna make a mistake
Why can't I make a mistake?
Logitech > Webcams + Communications > Webcams > QuickCam® Vision Pro

I'm still fantasizing about hooking one of these up to my EeePC along with a cell data card and walking around San Francisco interviewing whoever will be interviewed.
Whoa: Bill Gates Just Unleashed a Swarm Of Live Mosquitoes On A Room Full of Geniuses

Minutes later the audience began to writhe in pain and cough blood before turning into rabid zombies and devouring one another alive. Gates' evil laugh could be heard back stage before leaving in a helicopter.
Tweak Firefox 3 full screen mode - Mozilla Links
If for some reason you prefer to see the location and tab bars, you can customize Firefox:
- Enter about:config in the location bar to access the advanced preferences.
- Look for browser.fullscreen.autohide and double click it to set it to false.
the posterous bookmarklet window has to scroll on my EeePC's little screen. Loads a little slow in Xubuntu with Firefox too. Oh well, what can you expect from free software running on a netbook?
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Posterous Makes Sharing Anything Drop-Dead Simple

I'm a longtime user of both Tumblr, and Posterous. Posterous made it easy to multi-post to several blogs at once via email. This made it great for long form blog entries since I wasn't married to Blogger, LiveJournal, or WordPress. It also worked with emailed images and would post them to Flickr, and Facebook, but now Ping.fm does that trick, and supports more sites.
My social media/sharing/reposting policy is to use the site that brings me the content. So if I see something on Facebook, I'll reshare it on Facebook, and if I see something on Digg, I'll digg it. But when a site doesn't provide me any way to share it's content with my friends, it's been Tumblr's job to step in and pick up the slack. Tumblr lets you select individual images, videos, even blocks of text to post to your Tumblr. The video sharing only worked for YouTube, but allowed you to paste an embed code from anywhere, which I found to work well with just about any swf file. But there are formatting issues. Sometimes I can't compose a coherent caption to my Tumblr posts because the links don't work, or the quote source is ambiguous.
I'll give Posterous' new feature a fair shake. I don't really care what site my social sharing flak lives on anymore, just as long as it gets picked up by FriendFeed, and all the other aggregators, and gives me all the tools I need to capture content from all over the web and re-post it with my own comments.