Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bike Kitchen Tour de Cupcake Update 10/19
Typed with my thumbs
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Bike Kitchen" <>
Date: October 15, 2008 7:04:13 AM PDT
Subject: Bike Kitchen Tour de Cupcake Update 10/19
Reply-To: "Bike Kitchen" <>
Dear, Current Member or Friend of The Bike Kitchen.
The Bike Kitchen is pleased to present the first ever Tour de Cupcake on Ocotber 19th, 2008. All proceeds support our $50k fundraising goal for the move into our new space on 18th and Florida in Jan. 2009. More information about our move and the race available at
TDC is an alleycat style race designed for riders of all type (Part race, part cupcake eating contest, and part scavenger hunt!). We strongly encourage both novice and seasoned racers from all parts of the biking community to come out and enjoy a day of biking in the city and intense cupcake eating! In this race, riders will be required to stop at roughly 10 checkpoints. Checkpoints will supply cupcakes to racers, and each cupcake eaten will equal a time deduction from the rider's total race time. You may not be the fastest rider, but if you're hungry enough, you can win! If you ever thought about racing, make this your first one. Race to win or just for fun.
After-party hosted by Caretakers SF (riders drink for free).
Tour de Cupcake
Sunday, Oct. 19th 2008
Check-in 12pm at the Bike Kitchen (1256 Mission St @ 9th)
Race at 1pm.
$5-10 sliding scale entry.
TDC is sponsored by Mission Bicycles, Mike's Bikes SF, The Seventh Heart, and more...![]()
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Bike Kitchen
1256 Mission St
San Francisco, California
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